Building Department


7 Lakeshore Drive P.O. Box 220 

Temagami, ON P0H 2H0
Phone: 705-569-3421
Email: [email protected]
Tel. 705-569-3421
Fax 705-569-2834

REQUIRED: MNDMNRF approval must be provided prior to the issuance of a Municipal building permit. By law, you must get a work permit from the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry for certain activities on Crown land and shore lands before any work can take place. This applies to any public land managed by the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, including the beds of most lakes and rivers, as well as, shore lands covered or seasonally inundated by the water of a lake, river, stream or pond. Contact the North Bay MNRF office at (705)475-5550 or [email protected] for further information. The below activities require a work permit.

• build a new erosion control structure or change the dimensions of an existing erosion control structure
• the placement of fill on shore lands (infilling lake or river bed, or building an erosion control structure) for any other purpose
• create a new dredge or expand an existing dredge
• construct a building or structure, except for building(s) registered for mining purposes
• construct or place a structure or combination of structures that are in physical contact with more than 15 square meters of shore lands (e.g. docks with large cribs)
• construct a road, except where constructed under the authority of the Crown Forest Sustainability Act
• construct a trail, except when constructed under the authority of the Crown Forest Sustainability Act or for mineral exploration purposes
• construct a water crossing, such as a bridge, culvert or causeway, except when constructed under the authority of the Crown Forest Sustainability Act
• remove native aquatic vegetation along the shoreline of Georgian Bay, Lake Huron and on the Canadian Shield
• if you conduct activities subject to exemptions but cannot follow the rules

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